How beautiful is this moment with you, my bae
You’re sleeping right here in my arms
There is nothing more peaceful,
Nothing more beautiful nor blissful
How long I carried you and yeared to see your face
My wildest dreams never imagined you to be this beautiful
I didn’t eat, sleep, play or work as I wished
as you were all I really wanted
I cared for you before even seeing you
Will you ever know how much I love you?
From your lashes to your ankles,
Each part of you, is a part of me
I sniff your hair
And leave a few more kisses on your head
My fingers are stroking your ears
While I hear you breathing on my chest
I’m whispering your favorite lullaby
250th-time today
And seeing your tiny fingers
Resting on my arms
I stare at you with a smile
Could I please stay like this in this moment forever?
I haven’t slept for days, weeks, months
But I’m frozen, as I’m unable to unhook this moment
Even though my back hurts in this pose
Even though my legs ache like this
How can I move my legs
as your tiny toes are resting on them
How can I change my position,
You may get disturbed
Baby, I’m completely hooked!
You are more important to me, than I am to me
When your pure innocent eyes look up at me
Everything inside me melts in that one look
We know the days are hard
and sometimes it’s just too much for me
We don’t speak the same language
It’s so difficult to figure out why you’re upset
But I really want to know
Sometimes I’m struggling to find out
I lack patience and literally have no clue
I may lose my mind
until… you fall asleep in my arms
and I fall in love with you all over again

I know its hard for you as you’re learning
But remember, I’m learning too
I never knew what parenthood is
Until I met you
I never imagined myself loving anyone this much
I never believed in selfless love
You’ve changed my body, identity & purpose
I always slept like a log
But now I’m always up while I’m sleeping
and sleeping while awake
I’m half here, half there
My life is literally everywhere
Whatever it is, however hard it maybe
You’re the queen of our hearts & it’s all about you now
I’m always worried about you baby
All I want is for you to be safe, healthy & happy
Mama loves you more than you’ll ever know baby