It is true that we only learn through experience. But I feel it is too risky to learn about marriage once you’re in it. It’s best to learn through others experience and know what’s right and what’s wrong. I feel quite strongly about this topic. Honestly, I would love to open counselling centres where girls, boys and mothers are trained on basic concepts of marriage.
Many times, family members are the ones who spoil it all unknowingly. There needs to be basic training on how to become better people. It’s our spouse who has to bear our bad habits. Everyone has different concepts on marriage but there are certain things which are black and white and there are no two ways about them. Following are the lessons I have learned:
I have only written my point of view which is of course inspired by my religion and values. Each person and relationship is different and then there are exceptions in every scenario. These may or may not work for you.

1. Your relationship with spouse should be fair
Pakistani culture which insists that it is a girl who has to compromise most in a relationship is only encouraging men to behave badly. Relationships need to be fair. It’s not right for one spouse to keep compromising every time and the other getting his way. On principle, it should be 50:50, both compromise equally. That would be an ideal marriage. Wives compromise more than husbands so then it can be stretched to 60:40 at the most. Having a relationship with your spouse which has a worse ratio than the above, is definitely an unfair relationship and you must seek help.
2. When we are getting married, the most important thing to look for is a good person
A person’s big car or house has no value if he is a wretch. We must marry a person who has good moral values. If he has a good relationship with his family members, that speaks well about his character. If he says his prayers, reads the Quran and is close to Allah, it generally another sign of being a good person. When we are looking for a husband, we should look for a God-fearing person. Not someone who doesn’t care a damn and does what he wants. Same qualities are for a man searching for a wife. He shouldn’t only look for a gorgeous girl who cooks well. He should look for a God fearing woman who has a good moral character. Both husband and wife should try to improve their bad habits and be better people in a continuous effort to make their own and their partners lives easier.

3. Never get married if husband is unemployed/student
In Islam, once a Nikkah takes place, housing, clothing and feeding wife and children becomes the husband’s responsibility. If the husband is going for studies, he should never be getting married on the first place. Expecting your daughter-in-law to earn for your son is wrong to start with. Marrying off your sons when they are at a marriageable age is all nonsense if is not even capable of bringing food on the table. There may be a chance of engagement while finance is not yet done with studies but there should not even be a question of Nikkah until husband is earning well enough for both.
4. Marry a man, not a baby
Being the baby and centre of attention only looks good when he’s two.
5. Set the ground rules at the beginning of marriage
What we say and do at the beginning of the marriage is how you are laying the ground rules for your own future. We should start a relationship which is fair, and in which the girl doesn’t allow her husband to ask her personal questions like how much she is earning, what she is spending on and how much saving she is doing. He should be given the impression that she is old enough to manage her finances and that husband should only worry about his responsibilities. He should also know that certain actions are not permissible in this marriage under any circumstances (physical, verbal and mental abuse).
I suggest couples should go through a list of their priorities in marriage during their engagement period. They both should know what is the most important thing they are looking for in marriage and both should know what they will not get away with. Also, whatever happens during the start of the marriage continues. So in case wife earns and husband lives on her money at the beginning of the relationship, then that trend will never stop even if he starts earning. Its best never to set such a pattern to start with.
6. No need to change your name to your husband’s
Islam gives the woman right to keep her full name which is after her father. She is not supposed to change her name. These are things a girl can take a stand on. These should be decided even before getting married. The legal requirement is only that on her ID card she needs to change fathers name to husbands name to prove that now she is married. She does not need to change her second name and surname to husbands in legal matters.
7. Give your spouse space
Marriage doesn’t mean you own your spouse now. Even though you are living in the same room, you both still have a right to your own life and personal belongings. Don’t snoop through each other’s personal things like mobile, files, letters etc. Never interrogate or doubt your spouse’s intentions. Never be on a mission to prove your spouse wrong. Trust whatever they’re saying. Give them space and let them be. Don’t interfere in each other’s privacy or the relationship will start to suffocate.
8. Never tell your husband everything about your finances
Not telling your husband each and every detail of your money matters isn’t being secretive and untrusting, it is being sensible and careful.
Islam’s rules are the best. According to Islam, if a woman works or has money, it is not her duty to give it all to her husband or even buy household stuff from it. It is completely her choice if she wants to do so. In my opinion and experience, it is a very big mistake on our part. Whatever investment you have made with your money and saving, you will naturally, later on, spend it on your husband and kids. But the power to make that decision should remain in your own hands. Disclosing such private matters to husband can make your life hell.
It is wiser for a wife to keep details of her salary, saving, assets, jewelry to herself and not disclose it to her husband. Men have an innate quality to feel complexed when they find out details of their wive’s assets. In other cases, they stop paying for her basic necessities and expect her to survive on her own savings which is not right. Its best not to get into the details at all.

9. Always have your own locker in your own name and have your jewelry and important documents safe there
Never let your mother-in-law or anyone else keep them for you. Be very careful and take good care of your belongings yourself. Do not at any cost give them an idea that you are careless or they will not let you keep your possessions. We all make mistakes, but never tell your mistake to your in-laws or husband, they will think you are a careless person.
10. Be there for your spouse at his/her difficult time
During our life, we face a number of difficult times. A family member’s illness or death is one of such times when we must be there for our spouse no matter what. Your words of comfort or a hug at the most difficult time are moments your spouse will never ever forget. On the other hand, if you are not there for your spouse at such a time, then your relationship will mean nothing.
11. Always keep all your legal documents (passport, CNIC, driving license, visas) with yourself

12. Always upload a copy of all your important and legal documents on your personal online space
You will need a copy of those anytime anywhere. They should always be just one click away from you. For more on this topic, here’s my article how to organize and upload your legal documents on your private cloud.
13. Always encourage your spouse to pursue his/her hobbies, career, friends & family

14. Never involve parents in your petty marital problems. Never discuss them with a friend of the opposite gender
It will only make matters worse. You can trust a loyal friend and seek help from her if there’s a dire need. In case there are serious issues with your marriage like abuse, one will have to be clear and let parents know in the intention to solve the major issue. In case of abuse, it is a mistake not to let parents know. Abuse should never be tolerated.
15. Money is not everything
Materialism is a never-ending race. You’re trying to work more hours to get more money. Even when you spend time at home, you are wondering how much you could be earning if you worked that hour. Just stop your thoughts right there. This rat race is never-ending. We should have enough money to afford a comfortable life and some saving for a rainy day. Having too much money and not enough time to spend it with your loved ones and at home is not worth it.

16. Trust unconditionally

One can really feel the positive energy that builds around couples who are in love. You can see it in their eyes, you can tell by their tone and in their dimples. Even being around them is sheer bliss.
Love is really an amazing feeling. No, it is not over-rated. In fact, if you’re lucky to be in a loving marriage, it probably is under-rated. I feel couples have the power of making each other’s life hell or heaven. This is what makes this decision the most important decision of your life.
Feedback please
- Which point clicks with you the most?
- Which points do you most agree with?
- What do you disagree with?
I would love to know your thoughts.
Agree with everything but obviously its from a girls perspective. Not a guys.
Its quite relateable for me the thing u mementioned to have ur own locker and keep ur jewellery urself. Mine is still at my SIL place.and i m confused wether i should ask my husband to bring it back so we can keep it on our own.
Thank you for your comment. Its a step you’d definitely wanna take. I would recommend doing it ASAP. Its best to keep your valuable belongings with yourself… always!
Everything is perfectly said
Thanks a lot. Glad you agree with the points discussed.
This is actually very helpful. Very nicely written!👍🏻
Thanks a lot. Glad you liked it.
Thanks for sharing💕 I’m getting married soon InshaAllah and this was really very helpful may Allah give you reward for guiding us in such a brilliant way
Tysm. So glad it helped.